Author: Jennifer

Museums, Castles and Christmas Lights in Warsaw

Warsaw was a quick stopover of just two days, mostly just because it was on the route and we had never been there before. However, since it’s also in the European Union and we know it will be easy to go back to Poland someday, we didn’t spend as much...

Autumn in London

London was the first stop on our 6-month trip, and despite having been there a couple of times before, we’re always happy to go back. We were lucky enough to be able to stay for a couple of days at Cristóbal’s cousin’s house, which certainly helps with our travel budget...

Two Weeks of Rest and Recovery in Madrid

I’m a few days behind in posting about our time in Madrid, but I wanted to make sure to write about it since we ended up doing so much in only a few days. We were in Madrid for two weeks staying at Cristóbal’s dad’s house. We wanted to have...

Arrival in Madrid

We arrived in Madrid! Although I guess what I’m more excited about is surviving the last few weeks of packing up and putting everything into storage. Cristóbal and I left Miami exhausted beyond words and ready to rest and regroup here in Madrid. Luckily, the exhaustion meant sleeping very well...

From London to Singapore by Train

I’m about to embark on an adventure. Truth be told, the adventure has already begun. Cristóbal and are I getting ready to pack up our lives into 3 small bags and travel from London to Singapore by train over the course of about 6 months. Whenever I tell this to...