
Welcome to The {Semi} Budget Traveler! I’m Jennifer, a California native that was most recently living in Miami, Florida after living as an ex-pat in Madrid, Spain for several years. After my office in Miami closed at the end of September, my husband Cristóbal and I decided to embark on an epic 6-month adventure across the globe, from London down to Singapore. We’re planning on traveling completely by train whenever possible and will be taking the Trans-Siberian Railway (via the Trans-Mongolian route) across Russia, Mongolia and China. The basic parts of our trip over the next few months are planned, but a lot of it is still up in the air. Join us as we spend countless hours looking out train windows, try lots of new foods, and experience new cultures!

I hope that through my travel lens you are inspired to find your own travel style and make discovering the world a part of your life as well.